
(I am) God's Perfect Song

Angels dance upon my heart
their wings bouncing to the tune
of God's rhythm being played over my life
I hear them giggle as they connect
the notes of my destiny
and see my songs triumphant chorus
They shout in praises
for they know my final verse
humming it's melody God's sung into my breath
from the very last to the first


Playing with the Devil

I had the pleasure of babysitting two of my favorite little guys yesterday, Jack and John. What I love about watching little ones is their absolute curiosity and fearless nature. Children always let you know what's in their heart and on their minds, and Jack always has something spectacular on both of his! So in our playtime, he wanted to play Bible stories. I love that the Bible is what Jack wants to act out. That those are the stories he's familiar with, jumping in and out of his imagination, forming his character and understanding of the things of God. Here's a chat we had...

Jack: I built us a boat! Let's play Jesus and the devil. You be Jesus!

Me: No way! I don't want to play with the devil!

Jack: Okay, I won't invite him on the boat.

It was that simple. A child knows if you don't want to play with evil, you don't invite it in.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14 (NIV)